Building a Better Checklist

Tools for delivering consistent results for your business exist - just not in the same place. We solve business process and task management problems with great checklist software.


All these ingredients in one platform


ChecklistsShow us what needs to be done.

The simplest, most effective tool to reduce mistakes and deliver consistent results. Checklists guide the actions of pilots, surgeons, engineers to astronauts. You can't remember it all so let Checklists do it for you.


DocumentationTells us how & why we do it this way.

Operations, process, procedure and policy guides are all fantastic ways to communicate. They show how and why the job gets done. They just are not visible where the people do the work. Clever Checklist fixes that.


Forms & RecordsProves who, when & where work was done.

Jobs worth doing are worth doing right. Did it get done right? Prove it! Records and forms that end up in filing cabinets don't help improve your business. Clever Checklist makes your business data actionable.

"Improve quality, you automatically improve productivity."
- Dr. W Edwards Deming

Anatomy of a Clever Checklist

Consistently deliver the right results

Reduce the risks of variation and failure by using Templates that systematize the success of your teams.

Checklist Templates Checklist Preview
Library Categories

Zero to hero in just a couple of clicks.

No need to start from a blank page when bringing new disciplines to your business. Customize pre made templates from our library to suit your needs.

Make the right work happen at the right time

Schedules saves you time setting up repeatable jobs. Handle weekly meetings, monthly inspections, quarterly reviews or annual tasks from one central place.

Checklist Templates
Folders Checklist Progress

Stay connected with the big picture.

Group activity into Folders that make sense to your business. Watch the Folders for the areas/customers/sites you care about most.