iOS App Store Submission Checklist

After all the hard work of developing an app don't waste time by getting rejected from the app store for simple reasons.  Use these checks to minimise the chance of rejection of an application passing App Store review.
How often should this be used?
Prior to any submission to the app store.
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iOS App Store Submission

Ensure the application

Does not crash
Does not simulate a failure (e.g. crash or cracked screen)
Remains responsive after long/excessive usage
Does not hardcode any price information inside the app
Does not make use of any private APIs in the SDK
Does not make use of any undocumented features in the SDK
Does not refer to hardware capabilities which don't exist on the users device
Warns the user when there is no network connectivity, if it needs a connection
Does not resemble (too closely) any native apps
Does not replicate (too closely) the functionality of a native app
Does not expire (stop working) after a certain time or number of runs
Does not use any unapproved hardware accessories
Does not contain contain racist material, prolonged graphic violence, graphic sexual content or nudity
Does not "accidentally" contain such material, e.g. unrestricted web browsing, explicit lyrics, unfiltered collections of books
Does not ridicule well-known public figures, past or present
Does not contain a scripting interpreter, plugin or other runtime that can execute downloaded content
Does not use continuous vibration
Uses the relevant keyboard per input field (e.g. numbers for a phone number field)
Deselects rows in table views after their selection causes another view to be displayed
Restricts video streaming or other big downloads to WiFi connections only
Makes clear to the user when private data will be sent to a server, and provides an opt-out
Does not make covert or non-obvious use of the camera or microphone
Uses Core Location (GPS) for a real user benefit, not just advertising or tracking (if applicable)
Does not make excessive use of iCloud storage
Only stores user-created content in iCloud
Stores temporary files in /tmp and deletes these on exit
Uses the "do not back up" attribute for files that need to persist but should not be saved to iCloud

Conforms to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines

App looks well designed and of high quality
Native button icons are consistent with their native actions
Activity spinners must not spin indefinitely
Buttons trigger on touch-up
Screen layout can handle the double-height status bar (e.g. during phone call)
App state is saved when stopping the app and restored on next start
Landscape mode, if supported, looks well designed (i.e. is not accidental and bad)

iPad specific

Your app should work in all four orientations, but if only portrait or landscape, must support both ways up
Your app doesn't nest popovers, i.e. selecting something on a popover should not display another popover
Your app doesn't show more than one popover at a time

Submission package details

The name of your app (in the binary package) matches (or is abbreviated version of) the iTunes name
Your iTunes description accurately describes the functionality of the app, i.e. it works as advertised
Your iTunes description does not contain the price
Your iTunes description (and the binary) do not include the names of any competing platforms (e.g. Android, Blackberry)
Your iTunes description does not mention unreleased iOS version numbers
Your iTunes keywords match the functionality of the app
Your iTunes keywords do not contain the names of other apps
If your app's price is over $100 or has in-app purchases over $100, it is rated 17+
The screenshots do not include error states, including iAd errors
The categories the app is in match its functionality
Any easter eggs in the app are innocuous and are disclosed in the 'demo account' field
Icons are provided for each of the sizes: 57, 72 (if on iPad), 114 and 512 pixels
The different sizes of icon all contain the same artwork
Version number (bundle version number) is >= 1.0
The required-device-capabilities entry in the info.plist file match the requirements of the app
Your app matches your claimed OS version compatibility
NSZombieEnabled is set to NO

App IP configured correctly (and signed) for

iCloud enabled/disabled, with correct entitlments if enabled
push notifications, with correct entitlements (for production) if enabled
In App purchasing enabled/disabled
Game Center enabled/disabled

When updating

Your iTunes "What's New" description accurately matches the changes to your app
The updates to your app are real and detectable
Version number is greater than the previous version number


The app has a reasonably sized market, i.e. is not a tiny niche or for a private audience
There are no greyed out buttons or features in your app to do with a future release
Lite versions of apps must not be unusably restricted; they have to "work" as is
Lite versions of apps cannot be time limited
Lite versions must not display the price of the full version
Webpages loaded by the app, that are part of the app itself, are online and working
Any associated email addresses exist and are working
All (paid) app upgrades and other transactions use the App Store
The app is not a simple browser window onto a website
The app conforms to any regulatory requirements, e.g. if the app is medical in nature, or contains contests with prizes
If relevant, official rules for sweepstakes and contests are presented in the app
If relevant, the app makes it clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved with any sweepstakes, contests or their prizes
If you use encryption, you have registered with BIS and can provide documentation
If your app requires signing in, you have provided test account
If your app uses MapKit, it does not hide or obscure the Google logo
If using the camera, your app doesn't disable the shutter sound
Any references to Apple's products or apps are spelled correctly

Copyright, trademark, ownership

You can prove you own (or have permission to use) all the code in your app
You can prove you own (or have permission to use) all the artwork in your app
You can prove you have permission to use any brand names, names of public figures or other trademarked material
You can prove you own (or have permission to use) any videos, music or lyrics in your app
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